On the Odd – The Prophecies of Billy Meier

Mark welcomes Michael Horn to the show.
Tonight’s guest’s name is Michael Horn and he is the American media representative for the Billy Meier UFO contacts. Meier’s evidence includes more than 1,200 stunningly clear, UFO photos, films and video, as well as sound recordings, metal samples and over 26,000 pages of information. With specific examples of prophetically accurate scientific and world event related information, Billy Meier is also the source of abundant, specific and accurate prophetic information.
Michael is the writer/producer/director of the award-winning new film, “And Did They Listen?”, as well as the co-producer of the new documentary, “as the time fulfills”, which presents an abundance of evidence that authenticates the Billy Meier case. He is the writer and co-producer of the award-winning feature length documentary, “The Silent Revolution of Truth”, as well as the writer, producer and narrator of the DVD “The Meier Contacts – The Key To Our Future Survival”. Michael says that the reason for the singularly authentic Billy Meier UFO contacts is to help us on Earth assure our very threatened future survival.
Michael’s website can be found here: