On the Odd – False Flags and the Misinformation of Media

On the Odd
Season 8 Episode 3
False Flags and the Misinformation of Media
Mark welcomes Jim Fetzer onto the show. Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. He also maintains a website devoted to this and related subjects at www.assassinationscience.com. In addition, Jim has appeared on more than 250 radio and talk shows discussing the death of JFK.
James Fetzer’s blog can be found here:
His amazing books can be found here:
American Assassination: The Strange Death Of Senator Paul Wellstone
Murder in Dealey Plaza
The Great Zapruder Film Hoax
Music intro: Ice Land by Moon Casale
Music outro: ABQ by Moon Casale
A special thank you to APS Mastering for their support.