On the Odd – Breakthrough Ghost Photography

On the Odd
On the Odd
On the Odd - Breakthrough Ghost Photography

Mark welcomes Photographer, author and musician, Tim Scullion to the show.

Tim is a graduate of the College of William and Mary, with both a bachelor’s and master’s degree (cum laude)—both while working a full time job. Tim is a multiple genre author, photographer, multi-instrumentalist musician and has written a series of books on lead guitar called Shred Tech. Tim has also written a very different Christmas novel titled Nick as well as writing and illustrating a children’s activity book titled the Kids 4ever Club.

Tim’s websites can be found here:


You can find Tim’s amazing book here:

Music on this episode
Intro: “Easy Thing” from the EP, ‘Same Kind of Woman’ by Katy Rae    
Outro: “Brain on Snacks” from the EP, ‘Same Kind of Woman’ by Katy Rae     https://katyrea.bandcamp.com

A special thank you to APS Mastering for their support.
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