On the Odd – Ancient Alien Ancestors: From DNA to Pyramids

On the Odd
Season 8 Episode 2
Ancient Alien Ancestors: From DNA to Pyramids
Will Hart is a journalist, author, and filmmaker. He has a seemingly neverending interest in natural and human history. Will’s work has been published in Wild West, Sierra Heritage, Adventure West, Nexus and New Dawn. He has just launched a crowdfunding campaign for a project entitled
His books The Genesis Race (2003) Ancient Alien Ancestors (2017) are eye-opening, ground=breaking and must reads for anyone who has the desire to learn more about this strange world we live in!
Will has set up a crowdfunding project at IndieGogo – please consider supporting his forward thinking ideas!
Music intro and outro is the song “Currents” from the band The Atlantic & Eye.
We thank them for supplying us with the track and you can check them out here:
A special thank you to APS Mastering for their support.
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